Mastering Java Code Reviews: Strategies & Feedback

Mastering Java Code Reviews: Strategies & Feedback

In software development, the quality of code is crucial to the reliability, scalability, and maintainability of an application. Achieving this is possible by implementing systematic code reviews, which are highly effective methods. We discussed the importance of code review in Java development, tips for conducting effective reviews and providing feedback from peers, and tools to streamline the process. Our blog is updated frequently.

What makes code review important?

The quality assurance aspect of code review is essential in the software development lifecycle for several reasons: Code reviews can detect defects, rationale violations, and other issues early on, thereby decreasing the need for expensive remediations in the future.

Improved Code Quality: By reviewing code, it is able to check compliance with coding standards, best practices and design patterns; thus, improving the overall quality and readability of the codebase.

"Knowledge transfer among team members is facilitated through code reviews, which can lead to improved collaboration and skill development within the development team.

Ensuring uniformity across the codebase is achieved through consistent code reviews, which helps to make it easier to understand, maintain and scale an application.

Through constructive criticism during code reviews, developers can continuously improve their coding skills and practices to enhance the team's performance.

The Secret to Deal with Code Reviews:

Effective code reviews are based on best practices and well-structured procedures. Why? How to handle code reviews efficiently:

Clarify the desired outcomes and expectations for code review, such as identifying bugs in source code or optimizing code quality to meet coding standards.

Establish clear objectives: Break down the code into manageable chunks to enable thorough and logical analyses, ensuring that any significant errors are avoided.

Adherence to Coding Standards: Establish consistent coding conventions and guidelines that enhance readability, maintainability of data, and consistency throughout the codebase.

Check input parameters for validation and to ensure security against vulnerabilities and unexpected behavior.

Improved Performance: Recognize and address performance bottlenecks, inefficient algorithms, or resource-intensive operations to optimize the application's performance.

Examine documentation and comments: Confirm the code with appropriate documentation, relevant variable/method names, and meaningful metadata for enhanced comprehension.

Tools for Code Reviews

Numerous tools are accessible to streamline the code review process and promote collaboration among team members. Some renowned code review tools for Java development comprise:

  1. GitLab: GitLab offers comprehensive code review capabilities including merge requests, inline comments, and code diffs, integrated seamlessly with Git repositories.

  2. Review Board: Review Board is a versatile code review tool that supports collaborative code reviews, discussions, and defect tracking, facilitating effective team collaboration.

  3. Phabricator: Phabricator provides a suite of code review tools, including differentials for code diffs, inline comments, and audit trails, empowering teams to maintain code quality and compliance.

  4. Collaborator: Collaborator is a code review tool that enables teams to conduct thorough peer reviews, track review status, and ensure compliance with coding standards and regulations.

Feedback from Peers: Peer feedback is indispensable in the code review process, fostering personal and team development. When giving feedback, it's essential to adhere to these principles:

  • Specificity: Offer precise feedback on areas necessitating improvement, such as code clarity, logic accuracy, or compliance with coding standards.

  • Constructiveness: Provide constructive suggestions for enhancement rather than merely pointing out flaws, thereby contributing positively to code quality.

  • Respectfulness: Maintain a professional and courteous demeanor when delivering feedback, acknowledging the efforts of fellow developers and nurturing a supportive team environment.

  • Collaboration: Encourage active participation and collaboration among team members during code reviews, leveraging diverse perspectives to drive continual improvement and innovation.

Here are ten strategies for conducting effective code reviews in Java, along with examples:

Functional Check

Functional checks ensure the software works as intended. Review the following:

  • The code logic correctly implements the required functionality.

  • Check input validation and output accuracy. The code should validate input values to avert unexpected behavior, data corruption, etc., and verify the actual output matches the expected outcome.

  • There are no functional regressions or inconsistencies in case of changes to the existing code.

  • The functionality is implemented in a simple and reusable manner. Check for the following design principles:

    • DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), SOLID (Single-responsibility Principle, Open-closed Principle, Liskow Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle), etc.
  • Observe object-oriented principles of Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and Encapsulation.

Clean Code

You should check for the following to ensure a clean code:

Meaningful naming conventions help ensure the readability and maintainability of the application.

As such, ensure variable, method, and class names convey the subject:


Could be clarified to:


Use all lower cases for package names and use reversed Internet domain naming conventions:


Class names should start with Capitals:

Employee, Student,

Variable and method names should use CamelCase:

employeeList, studentName, displayEmployees()

Make sure it handles constants efficiently

Constants help improve memory as they are caught by the JVM. For values that are reused across multiple places, create a constant file that holds static values.

Favor database-driven values over dynamic values. Also, use ENUMs to group constants.

Check for proper clean Up

It is common during development to use procedures that help with your coding and debugging (hard coded variables, for example). It is good practice to remove these items and others such as:

  • Console print statements

  • Unnecessary comments

  • Use @deprecated on method/variable names that aren’t meant for future use

Handle strings appropriately

If you need to perform a lot of operations on a String, use StringBuilder or StringBuffer.

Strings are immutable, whereas StringBuilder and StringBuffer are mutable and can be changed. Additionally, a new String object is created for every concatenation operation.

Rather than creating multiple items, using a mutable object is preferred.

Check for Error Handling:

Ensure that proper error handling mechanisms are in place to handle exceptions and unexpected scenarios gracefully.

try {
    // Code that may throw exceptions
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Handle the exception
    logger.error("An error occurred: " + e.getMessage());

Validate Inputs:

Validate user inputs and function parameters to prevent security vulnerabilities like injection attacks or invalid data.

public void processInput(String input) {
    if (input != null && !input.isEmpty()) {
        // Process the input
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be empty");

Optimize Performance:

Look for areas where performance can be improved, such as reducing time complexity or minimizing memory usage.

// Inefficient code
for (String item : itemList) {
    if (item.equals(target)) {
        return true;

// Optimized code
return itemList.contains(target);

Ensure Comments and Documentation:

Verify that the code is adequately commented and documented to enhance understandability for future maintenance.

// Good comments explaining the purpose of the method
 * Returns the sum of two numbers.
 * @param a The first number
 * @param b The second number
 * @return The sum of a and b
public int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

Code review stands as a cornerstone practice in Java development, vital for bolstering the quality, dependability, and sustainability of software applications. By embracing efficient code review methodologies, utilizing suitable tools, and offering constructive feedback, development teams can elevate their coding standards, promote teamwork, and yield superior software products.

With a dedication to ongoing enhancement and a pursuit of coding excellence through rigorous code review, teams can guarantee that their Java applications adhere to the pinnacle of quality and performance standards. This commitment ultimately culminates in heightened customer satisfaction and enduring business success.

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